Category Archives: Events

HLSAJ events

Notice of 2018 Fall Meeting of the HLSAJ

The Harvard Law School Association of Japan will hold this year’s fall meeting (the 68th meeting of the HLSAJ) as follows. We will welcome Mr. Hisashi Owada (former HLS visiting professor), who retired from the International Court of Justice on June 7, 2018, as our guest speaker. We are very much looking forward to his remarks based on his 15-year career as a judge on the International Court of Justice, including time as the President.

The details of the meeting are as follows:

Date and time: November 9, 2018 (Friday), beginning at 18:30
Location: Josui Kaikan “Sakura-no-Ma*” (Tel: 03-3261-1101)
*Please note that the banquet room is different from the last meeting.
Dinner charge: 6,000 yen for members and 4,000 yen for guests, both payable at the meeting

Members wishing to attend should RSVP by (i) sending an e-mail to our Secretary, Mr. Kazuhiro Yanagida (, or (ii) completing and returning the postcard enclosed with the invitation (in the case of members who received the letter of invitation by post), in either case no later than Friday, October 26.

Please also be advised that there are additional proposals and requests included in the official letter of invitation (a copy of which is linked below).

For those members who did not receive the email or letter of invitation for some reason (for example, because of the failure of the HLSAJ to register you as member or to keep track of your email or street address), please email Mr. Kazuhiro Yanagida, the Secretary of the HLSAJ, at and inform him of your planned attendance.

For additional details regarding the fall meeting, please see the official letter of invitation.

Notice of 2018 Spring Meeting of the HLSAJ

The Harvard Law School Association of Japan will hold this year’s spring meeting (the 68th meeting of the HLSAJ) as follows. We will welcome Mr. Hisashi Owada (former HLS visiting professor), who retired from the International Court of Justice on June 7, 2018, as our guest speaker. We are very much looking forward to his remarks based on his 15-year career as a judge on the International Court of Justice, including time as the President.

The details of the meeting are as follows:

Date and time: November 9, 2018 (Friday), beginning at 18:30
Location: Josui Kaikan “Sakura-no-Ma*” (Tel: 03-3261-1101)
*Please note that the banquet room is different from the last meeting.
Dinner charge: 6,000 yen for members and 4,000 yen for guests, both payable at the meeting

Members wishing to attend should RSVP by (i) sending an e-mail to our Secretary, Mr. Kazuhiro Yanagida (, or (ii) completing and returning the postcard enclosed with the invitation (in the case of members who received the letter of invitation by post), in either case no later than Friday, October 26.

Please also be advised that there are additional proposals and requests included in the official letter of invitation (a copy of which is linked below).

For those members who did not receive the email or letter of invitation for some reason (for example, because of the failure of the HLSAJ to register you as member or to keep track of your email or street address), please email Mr. Kazuhiro Yanagida, the Secretary of the HLSAJ, at and inform him of your planned attendance.

For additional details regarding the spring meeting, please see the official letter of invitation.

Notice of 2017 Fall Meeting of the HLSAJ

The Harvard Law School Association of Japan will hold this year’s fall meeting (the 66th meeting of the HLSAJ) as follows. Professor J. Mark Ramseyer, the Mitsubishi Professor of Japanese Legal Studies (HLS J.D. 1982), who is scheduled to be briefly in Japan this fall, will be the guest speaker. The subject of his speech is “Who Decides to Go to Law School, and Why?

The details of the meeting are as follows:

Date and time: November 7, 2017 (Tuesday), from 18:30
Location: Josui Kaikan (Tel: 03-3261-1101)
Dinner charge: 6,000 yen for members and 4,000 yen for guests, both payable at the meeting

Members wishing to attend should RSVP by (i) sending an e-mail to our Secretary, Mr. Kazuo Ohtake, or (ii) completing and returning the postcard enclosed with the invitation (in the case of members who received the letter of invitation by post), in either case no later than Friday, October 27.

Please also be advised that there are various proposals, requests, and other matters included in the official letter of invitation (a copy of which is linked below).

For those members who did not receive the email or letter of invitation for some reason (for example, because of the failure of the HLSAJ to register you as member or to keep track of your email or street address), please email Kazuo Ohtake, the Secretary & Treasurer of the HLSAJ, at rsvp [~at~] (replace “[~at~]” with “@”) and inform him of your planned attendance. The HLSAJ requests that members who received an RSVP postcard use the postcard to RSVP and do not use email.

For additional details regarding the spring meeting, please see the official letter of invitation (the letter is also available in Japanese).

Notice of 2017 Spring Meeting of the HLSAJ

The Harvard Law School Association of Japan will hold this year’s spring meeting (the 65th meeting of the HLSAJ) as follows. Justice Masaharu Ohashi (LL.M. 1976), who left the Supreme Court of Japan as of March 30 of this year upon attainment of the mandatory retirement age, will be the speaker. The subject of his speech is “On the Thoughts that Occurred to Me during My Appointment as Supreme Court Justice”.

The details of the meeting are as follows:

Date and time: May 24, 2017 (Wednesday), from 18:30
Location: Josui Kaikan (Tel: 03-3261-1101)
Dinner charge: 6,000 yen for members and 4,000 yen for guests, both payable at the meeting

Those wishing to attend should RSVP using the postcard mailed to HLSAJ members along with notice of the meeting.

Please also be advised that the term of each of the following officers will expire at the close of business of this spring meeting:

President (Minoru Nakazato); two Vice Presidents (Mr. Yukio Yanagida and Mr. Takeo Kosugi); and Secretary (Mr. Kazuo Ohtake)

It is proposed that of the foregoing four (4) officers, Messrs. Nakazato, Kosugi and Ohtake be all re-elected for another term. Please cast your vote for their re-election at the spring meeting.

For those members who did not receive the letter of invitation for some reason (for example, because of the failure of the HLSAJ to register you as member or to keep track of your street address), please email Kazuo Ohtake, the Secretary & Treasurer of the HLSAJ, at rsvp [~at~] (replace “[~at~]” with “@”) and inform him of your planned attendance. The HLSAJ requests that members who received an RSVP postcard use the postcard to RSVP and do not use email.

For additional details regarding the spring meeting, please see the official letter of invitation (the letter is also available in Japanese).

Notice of 2016 Autumn Meeting of the HLSAJ

The Harvard Law School Association of Japan will hold this year’s autumn meeting (the 64th meeting of the HLSAJ) as follows. Professor Kazuo Sugeno (HLS Visiting Professor, 1986–1987), ex-President of the HLSAJ and currently the President of The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, will be the guest speaker. The subject of Professor Sugeno’s speech is “Characteristics of Labor Policies of ABE Administration: From the Viewpoint of the Labor Policy Research Institute”.

The details of the meeting are as follows:

Date and time: November 24, 2016 (Thursday), from 18:30
Location: Josui Kaikan (Tel: 03-3261-1101)
Dinner charge: 6,000 yen for members and 4,000 yen for guests, both payable at the meeting

Those wishing to attend should RSVP using the postcard mailed to HLSAJ members along with notice of the meeting.

For those members who did not receive the letter of invitation for some reason (for example, because of the failure of the HLSAJ to register you as member or to keep track of your street address), please email Kazuo Ohtake, the Secretary & Treasurer of the HLSAJ, at rsvp2016 [~at~] (replace “[~at~]” with “@”) and inform him of your planned attendance. The HLSAJ requests that members who received an RSVP postcard use the postcard to RSVP and do not use email.

For additional details regarding the spring meeting, please see the official letter of invitation (the letter is also available in Japanese).

Notice of 2016 Spring Meeting of the HLSAJ

The Harvard Law School Association of Japan will hold this year’s spring meeting (the 63rd meeting of the HLSAJ) as follows. Mr. Takeo Kosugi (HLS LL.M., 1972, and Visiting Scholar, 1974) of Matsuo & Kosugi will be the guest speaker. The subject of Mr. Kosugi’s speech is “The Impact of Chinese Government Efforts to Uncover Bribery and Enforce Anti-Cartel Regulations –How Legal Communities of Japan and the United States Respond”.

The details of the meeting are as follows:

Date and time: May 31, 2016 (Tuesday), from 18:30
Location: Josui Kaikan (Tel: 03-3261-1101)
Dinner charge: 6,000 yen for members and 4,000 yen for guests, both payable at the meeting

Those wishing to attend should RSVP using the postcard mailed to HLSAJ members along with notice of the meeting.

For those members who did not receive the letter of invitation for some reason (for example, because of the failure of the HLSAJ to register you as member or to keep track of your street address), please email Kazuo Ohtake, the Secretary & Treasurer of the HLSAJ, at rsvp2016 [~at~] (replace “[~at~]” with “@”) and inform him of your planned attendance. The HLSAJ requests that members who received an RSVP postcard use the postcard to RSVP and do not use email.

For additional details regarding the spring meeting, please see the official letter of invitation (the letter is also available in Japanese).

Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation in Tokyo on October 22 and 23

The Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation (HPON) has developed a new global version of its executive negotiation program. This two-day negotiation workshop led by Harvard Professor Guhan Subramanian will present the first four modules of the HPON Global curriculum. The workshop will introduce participants to analytical frameworks and skills needed for business negotiations in a global context. The program will consist of lectures, video content, interactive discussions, and negotiation role simulations and exercises. Active participation by participants will be encouraged.

Dates: October 22 and 23, 2015
Location: Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus, Tokyo
Fee: Japanese Yen 100,000
Instructor: Guhan Subramanian, Joseph H. Flom Professor of Law and Business at Harvard Law School and H. Douglas Weaver Professor of Business Law at Harvard Business School

The workshop will be conducted in English. For additional information, please see the full event notice.

Reservations for the Program on Negotiation may be made through the official Nikkei event page (Japanese only). For questions, or to make reservations in English, please contact Stephen Givens at

Meeting on May 12 with Professor J. Mark Ramseyer and Mr. Nefyn Meissner

The Harvard Law School Association of Japan will hold an Extraordinary Meeting (the 62nd Meeting of the HLSAJ) on May 12. Professor J. Mark Ramseyer, the Mitsubishi Visiting Professor of Japanese Legal Studies (HLS J.D., 1982), and Mr. Nefyn Meissner (Assistant Director of Administration) will join us as guests. For more information, please see the official letter of invitation.

Date and time of the Meeting: May 12, 2015 (Tuesday), from 18:30
Place: Gakushi Kaikan (click here for an access map)
Telephone: 03-3292-5936
N.B. Not Josui Kaikan, which we have used almost exclusively in the recent past
Dinner charge: 6,000 yen for members and 4,000 yen for guests, both payable at the Meeting

For members who did not receive an invitation letter by mail, please RSVP by email to our secretary and treasurer, Mr. Kazuo Ohtake, no later than Friday, April 24, at the following address: rsvp2015 [~at~] (replace “[~at~]” with “@”). For members who did receive the letter, please RSVP using the postcard enclosed with the letter.

University of Tokyo Professor Robert Kneller to Speak to the Harvard Club of Japan

Note: This event is not hosted by or otherwise affiliated with the Harvard Law School Association of Japan. It is included here because it may be of interest to HLSAJ members.

On April 2, from 19:00 to 21:00, Professor Robert Kneller (HLS ’80) will be speaking to the Harvard Club of Japan on “Unlocking the commercial and medical potential of Japanese science via entrepreneurship.”

For more information, including a description of the talk and registration information, please visit the Harvard Club of Japan’s event page.


Notice of 2015 Spring Meeting of the HLSAJ

The Harvard Law School Association of Japan will hold this year’s spring meeting (the 61st meeting of the HLSAJ) as follows. Professor David B. Wilkins, Lester Kissel Professor of Law; Director, Center on the Legal Profession; Vice Dean for Global Initiatives on the Legal Profession (HLS J.D., 1980), will be the guest speaker.

The details of the meeting are as follows:

Date and time: February 10, 2015 (Tuesday), from 18:30
Location: Josui Kaikan (Tel: 03-3261-1101)
Dinner charge: 6,000 yen for members and 4,000 yen for guests, both payable at the meeting

Those wishing to attend should RSVP using the postcard mailed to HLSAJ members along with notice of the meeting.

For those members who did not receive the letter of invitation for some reason (for example, because of the failure of the HLSAJ to register you as member or to keep track of your street address), please email Kazuo Ohtake, the Secretary & Treasurer of the HLSAJ, at rsvp2015 [~at~] (replace “[~at~]” with “@”) and inform him of your planned attendance. The HLSAJ requests that members who received an RSVP postcard use the postcard to RSVP and do not use email.

For additional details regarding the spring meeting, please see the official letter of invitation.