The Harvard Law School Association of Japan will hold this year’s spring meeting (the 65th meeting of the HLSAJ) as follows. Justice Masaharu Ohashi (LL.M. 1976), who left the Supreme Court of Japan as of March 30 of this year upon attainment of the mandatory retirement age, will be the speaker. The subject of his speech is “On the Thoughts that Occurred to Me during My Appointment as Supreme Court Justice”.
The details of the meeting are as follows:
Date and time: May 24, 2017 (Wednesday), from 18:30
Location: Josui Kaikan (Tel: 03-3261-1101)
Dinner charge: 6,000 yen for members and 4,000 yen for guests, both payable at the meeting
Those wishing to attend should RSVP using the postcard mailed to HLSAJ members along with notice of the meeting.
Please also be advised that the term of each of the following officers will expire at the close of business of this spring meeting:
President (Minoru Nakazato); two Vice Presidents (Mr. Yukio Yanagida and Mr. Takeo Kosugi); and Secretary (Mr. Kazuo Ohtake)
It is proposed that of the foregoing four (4) officers, Messrs. Nakazato, Kosugi and Ohtake be all re-elected for another term. Please cast your vote for their re-election at the spring meeting.
For those members who did not receive the letter of invitation for some reason (for example, because of the failure of the HLSAJ to register you as member or to keep track of your street address), please email Kazuo Ohtake, the Secretary & Treasurer of the HLSAJ, at rsvp [~at~] (replace “[~at~]” with “@”) and inform him of your planned attendance. The HLSAJ requests that members who received an RSVP postcard use the postcard to RSVP and do not use email.
For additional details regarding the spring meeting, please see the official letter of invitation (the letter is also available in Japanese).